Las Vegas Weddings or Indian Weddings?

     Picture this, you are getting married soon and your significant other chooses to get married in Las Vegas, the mystical, wonderful city that's always on the move. Time is everything here, especially for marriages. You are told your marriage will be cheap, quick, and easy, taking place in a drive through. 

    Now picture this, your significant other wants to have a grand Indian wedding where not only your distant relatives but also more than half the city's population will show up. Your marriage won't take a day, not even two days, it'll take place over 3 days and maybe one more for the reception. The wedding venue that will be booked will most likely cost only a couple (around one hundred thousand dollars) of dollars without food or entertainment provided.

    What do you pick? Would you rather spend the precious time of getting married in a few minutes or a few days? That was my exact reaction to the drive through Las Vegas weddings.

    From the perspective of someone whose been to a good amount of grand Indian weddings, the Las Vegas drive through wedding looked like a nightmare. Who would even want to get married like that? And what is with the fake Elvis Presley?

     Weddings are a significant part of people's lives, so why would people choose to get married in such a trivial way? The Las Vegas wedding industry undermines the "mystical" ambiance of a wedding, and instead, the city reserves the so called "mystical" atmosphere. 

    If I had to make a decision, I would never choose a wedding where I would have to compromise for time. Time may be money, but the experiences that come with time are priceless.

     Also getting to wear 4 different sets of Indian clothing is just fun :)



  1. Hi Shambhavi, I love your humorous depiction of your feelings towards the Las Vegas weddings. I also felt the same way. If I get married, I want it to be a memorable experience and definitely not with a fake Elvis Presley awkwardly attempting to serenade us during the intimate. If I were to get married to someone in a Las Vegas drive through, I could never truly be in the moment. I would probably be laughing because of Elvis and rethinking all my life choices while cringing at myself for getting married in a car or in two minutes.

  2. Hi Shambhavi, I love how you chose to compare Indian weddings to Las Vegas weddings. I liked your style of writing, the vivid use of imagery, and the rhetorical questions. I agree with you. I would prefer to have a long and grand wedding than a five-minute wedding because you only have one time to marry a person, and I want it to be as memorable as possible. The meme you included is hilarious because it's so true.


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