The Herd of Sheep

     Feel free to read in an Australian National Geographic voice:)

    On my adventures through the world, I came across an unusual herd of sheep. These sheep came in many different colors, sizes, and shapes. These sheep seemed to converse in many different ways, especially those of different color who only communicated with sheep of similar color. 

    These sheep live in an unusual way. They go by their daily lives seemingly mocking other sheep that appear different from the rest. Whether it be the color of their wool or their facial features, all sheep seem to prefer the portion of sheep with white wool.

    Now it's not like the white wooled sheep are any different from the rest. Maybe their wool is considered cleaner than the others, but that's just ridiculous! How could these sheep segregate themselves based on something as minute as the color of their wool! They're all sheep anyways! It's not like there's a lion in between a herd of sheep!

    Wool color aside, I also noticed that the smaller lighter sheep are preferred over the bigger heavier sheep. You would assume the bigger sheep reined over the others, but it seems to be the other way around. Especially the bigger female sheep were affected by the difference in size. The bigger sheep were seen skipping grazing. Perhaps they don't realize that it's harmful to not eat. 

    They're a weird herd of sheep. The sheep don't get along with each other and segregate themselves based on wool color and size. Hopefully the sheep change their ways to become more accepting of the other sheep in the herd.



  1. I love your blogpost, Shambhavi. The diction you used really sounded like I was reading an academic journal. Also, the comparison you make between a herd of sheep and humans is genius. Hopefully, the “sheep” are more inclusive in the future.

  2. I like how you used the idea of “sheep” to talk about multiple social issues present modern day America. It was funny to see the lines “They’re all sheep anyways!” and “They’re a weird herd of sheep” between the issues you brought up about diet culture to point out the absurdity of certain cultural norms. The metaphor supported your criticisms well:)


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