Toddler Directed Photoshoot

    As a three year old, I was fueled by creativity. There are many incidents of my creativity at work, but this story still remains as one of the most memorable. Although I don't remember this story, my mom and aunt always bring it up when reminiscing about me as a toddler. From what I've heard, three year old me directed my own photoshoot with myself as the model. 

    During a trip to India, my aunt decided to take pictures of me out in my grandparent's garden. My aunt had the idea of making me do different toddler poses to show off how adorable she thought I was. My aunt dressed me in a tank top with a skirt and a flower hairpin to accentuate my cuteness.

  Now what my aunt didn't know is that had a different plan in mind. After ripping out the flower hairpin from my hair, I proceeded to stand next to the flowers in the garden and have a concept photoshoot.

This concept photoshoot came from the inspiration I had in mind: "the sad woman with flowers". Infatuated with the painting I had seen at the time, three year old me knew I had to pose exactly like the "sad woman", and that's what I did.

  (This painting probably is not the actual inspiration, but I apparently had something like this in mind) 

    While my aunt tried everything in her power to make me choose a different pose, I objected. I was going to be the one who picked how I look. After accepting defeat, my aunt followed me around the garden taking pictures of me with the "sad woman" pose: a hand placed barely touching the plants and a toddler with a "sad" face.

    I just have to give credit to the detail I had as a toddler. That expression, the pose, just wow.


  1. The poses in your photos are actually quite alike to the "sad woman" vibe your toddler self was going for! I liked the overall narration throughout this piece and enjoyed hearing the unique, hilarious story behind these photos.

  2. This is cute! I liked how you told your story and three year old you really was determined to take "the sad woman with flowers" inspired pictures, which in a way surprised me because three year old me would've just followed whatever pose my family wanted me to do.

  3. I loved hearing more about the funny story behind these photos--and how determined you were to be the true star of your own portrait. The way you described the actions of your family and your toddler self's was very vivid - I could really visualize your drive to take these photos! Awesome work.


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