the Mystery of the Girl

     Under a diving board at what seems to be a community center, I bump into a girl who appears to be around 5'10 in height, East Asian, slender, with long black hair, and wearing a school's swim and dive merch. "Oh I'm so sorry, my name is ....." "I'm sorry could you repeat that?" 

    No response.

    The mysterious girl turns around and walks into the locker room where I follow her but cannot seem to find her. 

   On my way up the stairs to leave the community center I see the girl again, this time at the top of a flight of stairs. I run up the stairs towards her but she walks away and turns a corner and now I've lost her again.

    I walk out further to a set of bleachers where again at the top I see the figure of the girl. This time I ask the janitor nearby. "I keep running into this girl but every time I approach her she disappears."

    "Look shes up on the bleachers"

    As I turn my head towards the bleachers, the girl isn't there anymore. 

    "Oh boy, it's the first person in years to see her. Every time you saw her, was she standing on an elevated surface?"

    "What is that supposed to mean?" 

    The alarm goes off and I'm awoken in a frightened state.

    Confused, I go downstairs for breakfast and get ready to go to the mall with my friends. This girl is still in my mind. What did he mean by that? 

    As I walk through the mall with my friends, I feel a familiar presence, a tall, slender girl with long black hair ... wait a minute! I frantically turn around and search all the people around me while my friends stare at me bewildered. I swear I saw the girl! 

    To this day, I often sense the presence of this girl, whether it be in school, in the mall, or even in another state or city, I still somehow sense her but never see her. 

Saanich Commonwealth Place - Counsilman-Hunsaker


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