Looking Into Important Water

     As water shows us our reflections, I'm taking the time (partially since it's the assignment) to look into important water at this point in the school year. 

    First of all, senior year has honestly been going pretty well for me. Compared to online school sophomore year, I've been able to connect with others a lot more, and I've made so many new friends. Looking back on the first day of school I ended up sitting in a pod with Cecelia and Alex, both of which I had never spoken to before this class, now these two (plus Sonnet who I knew before) have become an important part of AP Lit for me so far. 

    I find that I always share any and every idea that comes to mind regardless of if the idea makes sense or not with my pod, and they find ways to add on to my analysis. reading and discussing passages as a pod was something I always enjoyed and something I hope to be able to continue doing second semester. 

  I found that I've started to analyze any media I encounter in depth, whether it be short passages, song lyrics, or even scenes in movies and shows, I've found myself digging deeper and looking for meaning in everything around me. 

    On top of everything else, my writing style and word choice have changed drastically since last school year. I was looking through my old blog posts and found that I started adding more of my own voice to my blogs rather than being analytical on the surface. I went from trying to write about difficult and stretched out theories (trying to sound analytical) to taking a topic that randomly came up in my pod, such as bananas, and developing a flow and thoughts as I wrote (which sounds pretty important for the AP exam if you ask me).

     A personal goal I'm wanting to achieve would be something I've been hoping to get to for a while now: reading. I've always loved reading growing up but the past year has been extremely hectic and it's been hard for me to get the time to be able to sit down and read. Finally, now that we're seniors and there's less stress overall, I'm getting the time to be able to read the new books that I've bought recently and my goal is to continue reading.


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